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Fix Breadcrumbs Error - Resolve Missing filed Item Error in Google Search Console


Fix Breadcrumbs Error - Resolve Missing filed Item Error in Google Search Console


elcome to Master2Teach Step By Step Guide In this short video tutorial, you will learn to check your website is being registered in google or not, also check if there are any issues in your site.


Learn step by step, how do I solve my “missing item” error in the breadcrumb Ok let’s start. Search for the google search console in the google. Click the start now button. Make sure to recheck your account. I have a new website master2teach.com which showing 129 total web search clicks. 0 pages with errors and 265 valid pages. Mobile usability is all fine but its showing 72 Errors in Breadcrumbs.


Now inspect the URL. https://master2teach.com/ Its showing URL is on Google, It can appear in Google Search results.


Now inspect the URL. https://master2teach.com/software-eng... On the home page, there is no breadcrumb so that home has no breadcrumb issues.


Ya could not find any meta with the name item. There is a missing item in the breadcrumb. I try to find out the solution on google but couldn’t find the proper solution for it. Since I’m using a free WordPress theme, I couldn’t get any support from the theme owner as well. I search in google developers and find out the syntax to add the item in the breadcrumb and it should be content in all positions except the last one.

My site is hosted in NameCheap. Let’s Login in the NameCheap account to access my Cpanel to access the file of my site. You can open your Cpanel and click in File Manager. I have made my site in Wordpress. Go to the wp-content folder - Theme –



I’m using the Corporate - education free WordPress theme. In your theme folder open the INC folder where you will get breadcrumb-class.php file. Select it and click in edit at the top. I know that its not good practice to edit the theme file. It will overwrite as we update the theme. But I’m using the free theme and could not wait for the update and solution from the theme owner. So make backup and redo it.


Scroll the file and find the itemprop keyword. This is the place where we are going to add the ITEM after the name.


// Wrap the item text with appropriate itemprop.

if(!empty( $matches )){
// $matches = "(Bracket Open)a href="https://master2teach.com" rel="home"(Bracket Close)"
//Find the position of :
$firstPos = strpos($matches[1], ":");

//find the next postion of " after :
$lastPos = strpos($matches[1], "\"", $firstPos);

//get the string from postion h to before "
$mainItem = substr($matches[1], $firstPos-5, ($lastPos-$firstPos+5));

$item = sprintf( '%s(Bracket Open)span itemprop="name"(Bracket Close)%s(Bracket Open)/span(Bracket Close)%s(Bracket Open)meta itemprop="item" content="%s" /(Bracket Close)', $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3], $mainItem );
$item = sprintf( '(Bracket Open)span itemprop="name"(Bracket Close)%s(Bracket Open)/span(Bracket Close)', $item );

/*$item = ( !empty( $matches )) ? sprintf( '%s(Bracket Open)span itemprop="name"(Bracket Close)%s(Bracket Open)/span(Bracket Close)%s', $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3] ) : sprintf( '(Bracket Open)span itemprop="name"(Bracket Close)%s(Bracket Open)/span(Bracket Close)', $item );

Save the code.


It’s time to check it out in google search console. Copy the same url and page to inspect it again.
Uppps it’s showing the same error

Still showing the missing item in breadcrumb even we have already add the item in the breadcrumb. Google is checking from the cache page. Try with the live URL.

Yes its solved. 1 Valid item detected. Valid items are eligible for Google search’s rich results.

Unnamed item is solved now. Yes there are the item in the breadcrumb now.

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