1. Log in to your Premium account at https://grammarly.com/signin
  2. Go to the Subscription page
  3. Click the Cancel Subscription link at the bottom of the page
  4. Click Yes, Continue 
  5. Click Yes, Continue again
  6. Choose a reason for cancellation and click Cancel Subscription


Note: If you don't see the Cancel Subscription link at the bottom of the page, try using a different browser.

At the end of your current billing cycle for your subscription, your account will be downgraded to the free version and all future payments will be canceled. None of your data will be lost, and you will maintain access to all of your documents.

  • If you don't see the cancellation link, please make sure you're logged in to a Premium account. Can’t find your Premium account? Please click here
  • If you purchased a subscription from the Apple Store, please visit this page
  • If you're using a mobile device, you can cancel your Premium subscription at https://account.grammarly.com
  • If you're trying to delete a free Grammarly account, please check this article
  • If you are looking to receive a refund, please see this page