Microsoft Word shortcut keys
Microsoft Word shortcut keys
List of basic computer shortcut keys:
Alt + F--File menu options in the current program.
Alt + E--Edits options in the current program.
F1--Universal help (for any sort of program).
Ctrl + A--Selects all text.
Ctrl + X--Cuts the selected item.
Ctrl + Del--Cut selected item.
Ctrl + C--Copy the selected item.
Ctrl + Ins-- Copy the selected item.
Ctrl + V--Paste the selected item.
Shift + Ins -- Paste the selected item.
Home -- Takes the user to the beginning of the current line.
Ctrl + Home--Go to the beginning of the document.
End -- Go to the end of the current line.
Ctrl + End -- Go to the end of a document.
Shift + Home -- Highlight from current position to beginning of the line.
Shift + End -- Highlight from current position to end of the line.
Ctrl + (Left arrow) -- Move one word to the left at a time.
Ctrl + (Right arrow) -- Move one word to the right at a time.
Shortcuts for MS Word Functions Windows 10, Windows 11 Mac
Open New Word Doc CTRL + N ⌘ + N
Open Existing Word Doc CTRL + O ⌘ + O
Save a Word Doc CTRL + S ⌘ + S
Save As a Word Doc F12 ⌘ + Shift + S
Print a File CTRL + P ⌘ + P
Open Print Preview CTRL + F12 ⌘ + P
Close a Word Doc CTRL + W ⌘ + W
Close MS Word ALT + F4 ⌘ + Q
Close Specific Word file CTRL + F4 ⌘ + F4
Undo CRLT + Z ⌘ + Z
Re-do CRLT + Y ⌘ + Y
Cancel Esc Esc
Move cursor one character to left ← ◄
Move cursor one character to right → ►
Move cursor one character up ↑ ▲
Move cursor one character down ↓ ▼
Move cursor one word to left Ctrll + ← Option + ◄
Move cursor one word to right Ctrll + → Option + ►
Move cursor one paragraph up Ctrll + ↑ ⌘ + ▲
Move cursor one paragraph down Ctrll + ↓ ⌘ + ▼
Move cursor to the end of a line End ⌘ + ►
Move cursor to the beginning of a line Home ⌘ + ◄
Move cursor to the bottom of screen Ctrll + End ⌘ + Fn + ►
Move cursor to the top of screen Ctrl + Home ⌘ + Fn + ◄
Scroll Up docusment by one screen Page Up Page Up
Scroll down docusment by one screen Page Dn Page Dn
Move cursor to previous insertion point SHFT + F5 SHFT + F5
Cut select content to Clipboard CTL + X ⌘ + X
Copy select content to Clipboard CTRL + C ⌘ + C
Paste select content to Clipboard CTRL + V ⌘ + V
Paste Clipboard content with matching format Ctrl + Shift + V
⌘ + Option + Shift + V
Display the Paste Special dialog CTRL + Shift + V ⌘ + CTRL + V
Cut selected content to Spike CTRL + F3 ⌘ + F3
Paste select content of Spike CTRL + Shift + F3 ⌘ + Shift + F3
Insert graphics ALT + N,M ⌘ + CTRL + M
Find CTRL + F ⌘ + F3
Insert hyperlink CTRL + K ⌘ + K
Increase Font size by one unit CTRL + ] ⌘ + ]
Decrease Font size by one unit CTRL + [ ⌘ + [
Increase Font size CTRL + Shift + > ⌘ + Shift + >
Decrease Font size by one unit CTRL + Shift + < ⌘ + Shift + <
Bold CTRL + B ⌘ + B
Itallic CTRL + I ⌘ + I
Underscore CTRL + U ⌘ + U
Underline for words CTRL + Shift + W ⌘ + Shift + W
Strikethrough CTRL + 5 ⌘ + Shift + X
Change letter case Shift + F3 Fn + Shift + F3
Center Align Text CTRL + E ⌘ + E
Left Align Text CTRL + L ⌘ + L
Right Align Text CTRL + R ⌘ + R
Justify Text CTRL + J ⌘ + J
Apple List Style CTRL + Shift + L ⌘ + Shift + L
Apply subscript format CTRL + = ⌘ + =
Apple supersubscript CTRL + Shift + ‘+’ ⌘ + Shift + =
All Captial Letters CTRL + Shift + A ⌘ + Shift + A
Insert a comment ALT + C ⌘ + Option + A
Insert a footnote ALT + CTRL + F ⌘ + Option + F
Insert a endnote ALT + CTRL + D ⌘ + Option + E
Insert Date Field ALT + Shift + D CTRL + Shift + D
Insert Time field ALT + Shift + T CTRL + Shift + T
Insert list field ALT + Shift + L CTRL + Shift + L
Insert copyright symbol ALT + CTRL + C Option + G
Insert Trademark symbol ALT + CTRL + T Option + 2
Insert Line break Shift + Return Shift + Enter
Set line space to single CTRL + 1 ⌘ + 1
Set line spacing to 1.5 CTRL + 5 ⌘ + 5
Set double spacing for line CTRL + 2 ⌘ + 2
Open Spellcheck F7 ⌘ + Option + L
Open Thesaurus Shift + F7 Fn + Shift + F7
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