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Headless Commerce: The Start and Rapid Rise of Composable Tech Stacks

Headless Commerce: The Start and Rapid Rise of Composable Tech Stacks

eCommerce through mobile

Over the last few years, headless commerce has taken the eCommerce world by storm. Moving from monolithic systems to composable tech stacks has improved online shopping for consumers and business owners.

Headless commerce essentially removes the “head” or the frontend of a traditional eCommerce system. This allows for a much more flexible and scalable system, where the backend and frontend of the system can be developed separately. This means that businesses have more control over their sites' design, layout, and functionality and can quickly deploy changes and updates.

As a result, headless commerce systems have been found to have greater scalability, better performance, and higher levels of personalization.

eCommerce through mobile

Additionally, headless commerce supports enhanced integrations with other systems, such as product catalogs, order management, and payment processing. This allows businesses to serve customers better and create a more efficient and personalized shopping experience.

Headless commerce is one of the most prominent trends that have emerged during this time. This post will examine headless commerce, its history and rise, and why it is so popular among eCommerce store owners.

What Is Headless Commerce?

To understand headless commerce, it's important first to understand what a traditional eCommerce platform looks like. In a traditional eCommerce platform, the frontend (what the user sees) and backend (the underlying code that runs the site) are tightly integrated. This means any changes to the frontend require changes to the backend and vice versa.

On the other hand, Headless commerce separates the frontend from the backend. This means that the frontend can be completely customized without affecting the backend, and vice versa. In other words, the frontend and backend are "decoupled," allowing for more flexibility and customization.

History and Rise of Headless Commerce

The concept of headless commerce has been around for a while, but it wasn't until recently that it started gaining widespread adoption. So, what caused the rise of headless commerce over the past five years?

One major factor is the rise of mobile devices. As more and more people started using their smartphones and tablets to shop online, eCommerce businesses realized that they needed to create mobile-optimized experiences. However, traditional eCommerce platforms were not designed with mobile in mind, which made it difficult to create seamless experiences across different devices.

This is where headless commerce comes in. By separating the frontend from the backend, eCommerce businesses can create customized experiences for different devices without changing the underlying code. This allows for faster development and deployment of new features, which is essential in today's fast-paced eCommerce landscape.

Another factor contributing to the rise of headless commerce is the increasing popularity of microservices. Microservices are a way of breaking down large applications into smaller, more manageable pieces. This allows developers to work on different application parts independently, leading to faster development and more efficient use of resources.

With headless commerce, eCommerce businesses can adopt a microservices architecture, which allows them to scale their applications more easily and quickly. This is particularly important for businesses that experience sudden spikes in traffic, such as during holiday shopping seasons or flash sales.

Why Is Headless Commerce So Popular Now?

So, why is headless commerce so popular among eCommerce store owners? There are several reasons:

  1. Flexibility: With headless commerce, eCommerce businesses have more flexibility in terms of customization. They can create unique user experiences that stand out from competitors without changing the underlying code.
  2. Scalability: Headless commerce allows eCommerce businesses to scale their applications more easily and quickly. This is essential for businesses that experience sudden spikes in traffic or need to quickly roll out new features.
  3. Speed: Because headless commerce separates the frontend from the backend, it allows for faster development and deployment of new features. This is essential in today's fast-paced eCommerce landscape, where businesses must adapt to changing market conditions.
  4. Future-proofing: By adopting a headless commerce approach, eCommerce businesses are future-proofing their applications. They can easily adopt new technologies and trends as they emerge without making major changes to their underlying code.
  5. Cost-effectiveness: Headless commerce can be more cost-effective in the long run, as businesses can reuse code across different platforms and devices. This can lead to lower development costs and faster time-to-market for new features.

What Parts Does a Headless Stack Need?

A composable tech stack comprises various independent modules or components that can be combined to create a custom software solution.

These components can be designed to work together seamlessly, allowing businesses to choose the specific tools and services they need to meet their unique requirements. Here are some of the key parts that a composable tech stack may comprise of:

  1. API Gateway: An API Gateway is a layer that sits between the client and backend services, routing requests and managing authentication, authorization, and rate limiting. This component allows businesses to create a secure and scalable architecture for their microservices.
  2. Microservices: Microservices are small, independent services that can be deployed and scaled independently. They are designed to perform a specific function or task, such as handling payments, managing inventory, or processing orders.
  3. Containerization: It involves packaging an application and its dependencies into a lightweight, portable container that can run consistently across different environments. Containers can help businesses improve application performance, scalability, and flexibility.
  4. Serverless Computing: Serverless computing allows businesses to run code without provisioning or managing servers. This can reduce operational costs and improve scalability as the provider manages the infrastructure.
  5. Event-driven architecture: An event-driven architecture allows businesses to create real-time applications that respond to events. This can be useful for creating highly responsive and scalable applications, such as those used in IoT or real-time analytics.
  6. API-first design: An API-first design approach involves designing APIs first and building the application around them. This approach can help businesses create more flexible and scalable applications that can be easily integrated with other services.
  7. Cloud Native Computing: Cloud native computing involves building and running applications in the cloud using containerization, orchestration, and automation. This approach can help businesses achieve higher scalability, reliability, and agility.
  8. DevOps: DevOps is a set of practices that combine software development and IT operations to improve collaboration, automation, and deployment. This can help businesses accelerate their development processes and improve the quality of their software.
  9. Analytics and monitoring: Analytics and monitoring tools allow businesses to track and analyze their application performance, usage, and user behavior. This can help them identify areas for improvement and optimize their applications for better performance and user experience.
  10. Low-code/no-code tools: Low-code/no-code tools allow businesses to create custom applications without writing extensive code. This can reduce development time and costs and improve agility and flexibility.

Overall, a composable tech stack can help businesses create more flexible, scalable, and customized software solutions that can adapt to changing requirements and market conditions. By leveraging the right components and services, businesses can improve their development processes, reduce operational costs, and enhance their competitive advantage.


Headless commerce is a game-changer for eCommerce businesses. By separating the frontend from the backend, eCommerce businesses can create more customized and flexible user experiences ultimately creating happy customers and more revenue for eComm stores.

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